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Chronic Conditions Management
Rural Health Tasmania can assist you to manage your health and improve the quality of your life.
Rural Health Tasmania Inc. receives a range of funding including Primary Health Tasmania under the Primary Health Networks Programme – an Australian Government initiative to help people living with or at risk of:
- Musculoskeletal conditions
- Circulatory and heart disease (Cardiovascular disease)
- Respiratory disease (Lung disease including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD)
- Mental illness (Child, adolescent, adult)
- Cancer
When you see our team, you can expect to receive friendly, confidential and supportive care. This includes one of our clinicians speaking with you about your condition and conducting an assessment to help identify how we can work with you and your health care team to ensure you receive the right care in the right place at the right time that best suits your needs.
We help you by providing:
- Health care and health checks
- A range of health assessments
- Support and advocacy
- Information on a range of health conditions, medications and supportive treatments
- Referral to one of our other services, a GP or another specialist service
- Counselling for you and your family
- Health goal setting and support to reach your goals
These services are provided by qualified practitioners including, Registered Nurses and Mental Health Clinicians.
Rural Health Tasmania deliver services through a ‘stepped model of care’. This enables people to receive the right care in the right place at the right time that is appropriate to their needs. This care can be can stepped up or down as their needs change.
Services are provided both one-to-one and, where necessary, safe and appropriate – through telehealth (including apps and videoconferencing).
Who can access these services?
Tasmanians who live in each of the districts we service can self-refer to these programs. Access to these services are facilitated through flexible pathways that include GP’s, clinicians, community workers and self-referral.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost for these services
Where are these services?
Rural Health Tasmania are providing these services in the following local government areas: Circular Head, King Island, Waratah/Wynyard, Burnie, Ulverstone, Central Coast, Kentish and West Coast. Please check with your closest service for information on which programs are available in your area.
Working together
Rural Health Tasmania are working closely with all health service providers. In particular, with Diabetes Tasmania. Our organisations will focus on supporting people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes through healthy lifestyles (eating and exercise) and by providing health checks that screen for risk factors.
There is also be a focus on improving the coordination of care for people at risk of or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
More information
For more information, please contact our service closest to you.
Care Coordination Flyer
Primary Health Tasmania has commissioned Rural Health Tasmania to deliver services to improve the health outcomes of Tasmanian’s with chronic conditions.